
It's 5 o'clock someplace!

.Join me in a pleased hour chat with David Acheson, President and also CEO of TAG called "It's 5 o'clock someplace!" Podinar Show: Thursday, August 22 at 5 o'clock EST. In 2012, David Acheson of TAG was actually a very early advisor in the launch of Meals Safety Specialist and the Meals Safety Consortium meeting. At that time, several factors were actually new as well as progressing featuring the proposed Food Security Innovation Process (FSMA). David and I will definitely look back at FSMA, how it has progressed as well as cover the future FSQA risks and also difficulties.This is the premiere of a brand new podinar collection. What's a podinar? Merely, a podcast utilizing a webinar system. It's a discussion. Unscripted. No slides. Merely talk ... over a grown-up beverage.Join me and David in a casual however engaging chat. Adult beverage is optional but urged!Free but sophisticated registration demanded. Go here.The post It's 5 o'clock somewhere! looked first on FoodSafetyTech.

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